Thursday, April 29, 2010

Why not?

So the next trip I had planned to take was to Amsterdam with about 8 other people from my program. Everything looked like it was going to go smoothly... until that volcano started erupting. Ugh. The mess that this eruption caused throughout Europe was ridiculous. I'd never seen or heard of anything like it. Basically the entire European sky was shut down. However, I have to say, the sky was more blue than I had ever seen it before because there were no planes and no streaks. It was beautiful and quiet.

Anyways, so everyone's flight to Amsterdam from wherever they were coming from ended up being cancelled. One of my friends never made it to Copenhagen, and some others never got to Belfast. We were all still in Switzerland when Sunday night came around (we were supposed to get to Amsterdam the next day, but our flights had all been cancelled.. not a surprise). A few people in our group decided to throw out the idea to rent a car and road trip to Amsterdam. Well. If you know me, I'm the last person in the world to jump on this boat. We had so much work to do that not going to Amsterdam seemed like the perfect excuse to give me more reading time. BUT, for some reason, a handful of my friends convinced me to get up at some ungodly hour the next morning to train to the airport to see if we could rent a car.

Obviously, we did. No hesitation. By 9am on Monday morning, 8 of us rented 2 cars for 3 days. We waited for everyone to get to the airport and ended up taking off around 11am. I was freaking out. Actually, I think we all were but I just showed it a little more. Eventually though I realized that this was one of the best decisions of my life. I've never had so much fun. It took about 9 hours to get from Geneva to Amsterdam, but it didn't feel like it. Obviously we got to drive through Germany, aka we got to drive super fast. The boys were pumped. The music was great, and we were all just so amazed that we actually went through with our crazy plan.

We finally got to Amsterdam around 9pm, parked the car and walked around the city. "Coffee shops" were obviously a must. Weed is legal. People take advantage. It was interesting, and definitely a huuuuuge culture shock. When I think about it though, the culture shock was definitely in a good way.... Weed really isn't that big of a deal, and since it's legal there, my friends who were smoking weren't all stressed out or trying to buy in sketchy places like they have to do everywhere else. It was definitely safer.

In terms of Amsterdam as a city, it is BEAUTIFUL. Of course, another gorgeous european city. It had canals going through it everhwere, and the architecture was fantastic. We went to the Anne Frank House, where you really can't be anything other than humbled. After that, we wandered over to the Heineken Museum. You pay 15 euros for entry and two beers at the end of the visit. I wasn't super pumped about it because the taste isn't my favorite, but the museum ended up being really fun. I had a great time, and then at the end, they served the beer cold enough that I really couldn't taste that much of the (icky) flavor haha. That night the FC Barcelona game was playing in the bars, so we ended up watching that and hanging out in the city. I had a great time, soccer+friends+drinks = awesome.

If you haven't figured it out already, we only spent one full day in Amsterdam, aka Tuesday. By Wednesday, it was already time for us to get back into our little Nissan and hit the road. The driver of my car wanted a break, so I took over for about 6 hours. While they slept, I got to cruise along the autobahn.

Even though the trip was a little more expensive than flying, we made the best of it with what we had. Driving was our only option, so why not?? I'm going to remember these three days for the rest of my life. How many times would I ever get in my lifetime to take a eurotrip with my friends in college?! Well... just once. No regrets.

I'm in Zagreb, Croatia now for the last two weeks of my program. We got here on Tuesday because our 90 days in Switzerland/the Schengen Zone were up. I'm in a new homestay and it has been pretty good so far. I'll give you more deets in the next few days. Be back soon :)

Saturday, April 24, 2010

It's amazing how much more you enjoy sightseeing when you're older

Budapest trip continued...

I was told by one of my friends from the program to go to Vienna for a day since it’s so close and we had enough time. So, Thursday, that’s what we did. We hopped on the 9 o’clock train from Budapest to Vienna, arriving around noon. Another beautiful day (wow… I guess we’ve been getting super lucky with weather. I didn’t realize until now because I keep writing that these days we’re beautiful haha). It was lunch time, so we got some sandwiches and headed down the main road. It was a huge shopping street, so we obviously had to check out some of the stores. We soon noticed many people with ice cream which led us to a gelateria owned by this guy named Paolo something. Whoever Paolo is, well, he makes the best ice cream in the world. Seriously. Better than anything I’ve ever had and I’m not exaggerating. This place has to be on your list of places to go if you’re in Vienna. Ok, enough about the ice cream…

Vienna is an amazing city. The architecture is out of this world. Check out the library…

Overall, the day was great. Vienna is definitely a city you can do in a day, so it was perfect for us.
Back to Budapest. So, this city is actually split into two parts by a river. There is the Buda side and the Pest side. Our hostel was on the Pest side. On Friday then, we decided to go explore the Buda side, which is actually the side with everything touristy possible. For good reason though… There is the Buda Castle, the Fisherman’s Bastion, many churches, and the amazing Citadel perched on top of its own little mountain. We were able to get a great look at Parliament from the Buda side, since it sits right along the river on the Pest side. It was fantastic… this is the view from the Citadel…
This is Parliament… (the best picture I got before my camera died).

Sightseeing is exhausting! But, worth it. We ended up taking a little cat nap in the sun that afternoon in a park behind the Citadel. On our walk home, we strolled through one of the main squares and stumbled upon a little cart that was serving ice cream. Obviously I wanted some, but there was a sign next to it that said the actual café was just up the street. We walked over and then, after reading their menu, realized that it was a world famous café. Gerbeaud’s. Another random thing we just happened to walk by that was absolutely delightful. We split a sundae (because that’s what they are known for) for some ridiculous price. We justified it because, I mean, they said they were world famous…? Haha. I think you can tell by now that ice cream is my/our weakness. (I’m not gonna lie though, Paolo still wins, and it was WAY cheaper haha).

For dinner that night, we went to a hummus bar. It’s basically what it sounds like. It’s a little restaurant where you can order a bowl of hummus (or a pita sandwich) and then flavor it/add stuff if you want. It turned out to be soooo good, and SUPER cheap, and we had leftovers for lunch the next day!! So, if you’re ever in Budapest, go to a hummus bar.

We weren’t really sure what else there was to do in Budapest for our day on Saturday… the city turned out to be a little smaller than we thought. However, we took advantage of the favorable exchange rate and went to see a couple movies for pretty cheap. We saw An Education, which I recommend even though it was kinda weird, and Dear John, which I also recommend, but only for the girls. Or I mean, anyone who enjoys chick flicks haha. It was a chill day and definitely fit into our budget. Had and I did not plan on taking any more money out of the ATM after the first day. We succeeded…barely haha.

The week after I got back was full of researching. We have to do an independent study project for our program due towards the end. I’m doing mine on the education of refugee children in southern African during apartheid. So… if any of you are ever interested in this specific subject, I’ll probably be an expert in about 2ish weeks. Haha. We have to write 30 pages as well as do a 20 minute presentation. Should be interesting. I’m actually really excited to hear everyone else’s work too. Also, it's officially time for me to start stressing... it's due in May 5th. Ugh. Don't they get that studying abroad should not involve such intense projects?! Jees louise. They're crazy.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Busy busy busy

So, everything has consequences, right? Right. I spent all day Sunday writing a 10 page paper that was due on Monday. Then Tuesday I had my 2 hour French written exam. Just to spice things up a little during our week from hell, Earl took us to Bern for the day on Wednesday. It turned out to be another BEAUTIFUL day, 65 and sunny. We had a free morning to explore, then a lecture in the afternoon. They actually have bears in Bern!! And, I was super pumped because the mama bear had two little baby cubs!! CUUUUUUUUTE. Couldn’t get enough. The lecture was not so interesting; I could have lived without it. All I could think about was my French oral the next day oh and wait, the 8 page paper that was also due. I got to work as soon as I got home. After successfully completing those tasks, I STILL had a 3,000 word take home final to write up due Friday afternoon. Oh Earl… what a week you made for us. Oh, and this is Bern... :)

After that kind of work, a group of us decided we DEFINITELY needed to get out. So, to celebrate the end of classes/exams, we dove head first into Switzerland’s 12-5 culture (that would be 12am to 5am...). The closest (good) clubs to us are in Lausanne, a pretty big city home to a university. So like the locals, since the trains stop around 1am, we stay out until the first trains start around 4:30am. Sounds challenging, right? I thought that I surely would not survive this night. WRONG. I had so much fun!! I didn’t even realize how late it was because we were always dancing. We all had a great time, and yes… slept in very late the next day.

Hmm… the next thing worth sharing I think is that Hadley came to visit me! She got into Geneva on Sunday night (well... a week ago Sunday), I picked her up at the airport and we took the train back to my host mama’s house. Renate baked a fabulous lasagna (which I kind of want right now….yummm). She’s the best. The next day was Easter Monday. Ugh. Switzerland shuts down EVERYTHING for this holiday. Friday through Monday. Bad timing for Hadley to be able to go into any stores… but we made the best of it. We spent almost the whole day in Nyon because the sun was shining and both of us couldn’t get enough of it. Also, just to add a little flavor to our day, we found out that not everyone in Switzerland is respectful and quiet…..haha oh my god… There was a lady at the bar of the restaurant where Hadley and I got lunch who needed A LOT of help. It was 1pm. She was already wasted. Not only was she wasted, but she was wearing pleather stretch leggings, hooker heels, and a bright blue tank top, with all of her fat rolls showing. She was caressing every guy at the bar no matter what their age. It was entertaining… but I mean, COME ON LADY. 1) Do you have a mirror, 2) It’s Easter, not New Year’s Eve, 3) It’s not usually PC to be plastered at 1pm on Easter Monday… to each her own I guess. We saw her singing/screaming on the street about an hour later. Hahahaha. WOW. Some people. :-P Monday night we got to cook dinner at one of my friend’s houses because his host family was gone. We made Mexican food. Oh my, it was fantastic. Guac = amazing. I was also excited because Had got to meet a lot of my friends from here, which was nice so she could put names with faces.

Tuesday was fun. I took Hadley to the UN (I needed to do some work for my independent study project), and she was able to do a little bit of her own exploring. The Red Cross is right across the street, so she got to see that. Obviously, the museum was closed on Tuesday…lame. But I guess she enjoyed lying in the grass while I caught up on some reading before our trip to…..


We left early Wednesday morning, getting to our hostel with a whole afternoon ahead of us. The owner of the hostel pulled out a map and basically told us everywhere to go for food, for sightseeing, everything. It was great, because before that, we really had no idea what to do slash everything was in Hungarian. Win for us! We got some food, then went off gallivanting around the city. Our first stop was Heroes’ Square, followed by the Turkish Baths. The Baths were ridiculous. If we had brought out bathing suits, it would have been a sure thing to go. Our loss… but we still got to see inside. There are around 10 pools, a bunch of saunas, steam rooms, etc… it’s kind of like a huge spa with a bunch of swimming pools and men in speedos. It would have been fun because the weather was nice, but we were lacking the essentials…bathing suits and money. We got back to the hostel around dinner time and we were exhaaausted, but starving. After resting up a bit, Hadley suggested we check out an Italian restaurant she had found online. We got there, and the food was reasonably priced, so we went in. Best decision of our lives. Probably the best Italian food I’ve ever had. It was so good, we couldn’t pass up desert, which was also amazing…chocolate soufflé. BOMB. We went to bed happy that night.

More on my Budapest trip to come in a later post. See you soon.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

I'm still here :)

So my last post was on March 7th. Whoops. Sorry about that. I'm no longer failing in Luzern... time for new stories. I have a lot to say so I'm going to break it up into two or three posts throughout this week. I can't give you everything at once! That would be no fun. Here it goes...

Finally, I’m writing again. I have a lot to share... There is/are really good reasons I haven’t wrote about my adventures in a while and I’m hoping you’ll figure it out as you read.

The next morning after getting home from Luzern, my program took all of the students to Lugano, Switzerland for the week. We were supposed to all take the same train, all hopping on at our respective stops around Geneva. Obviously, things did not work out exactly the way they were supposed to. The trains were late that morning, but the placards were not adjusting with the trains. This led a group of us onto a train that wasn’t ours… I had noticed that the trains had been pulling in late and had a feeling it wasn’t the right train because well… that… and Earl didn’t poke his head out of the car we were supposed to be meeting him in. I tried to convince the group, along with one other girl, that this was not our train. It was 2 vs. 8 though, so we got on with them. It was the wrong train. Fortunately, the conductor lady helped us find a way to eventually get on the right train with the rest of our program. Although there was an initial freak out amongst everyone, it all turned out great, surprising the rest of the group when we showed up out of the blue on their train. We eventually all made it to Lugano on a beautiful, sunny Monday. After checking in to our hotel/hostel, we couldn’t resist going out to the lake and taking a walk along the water. It was SO PRETTY. Honestly, Switzerland never fails to be pretty so I wasn’t surprised, but I still can’t get enough of it. A group of us found an awesome tree to climb, and hung out there for a while.

The rest of the week was full of lectures. Nothing too exciting. It decided to snow one day which we were not happy about… but what can you do? In the end, the best part of the whole week was actually being with all of the other kids at the hotel. We finally were comfortable with each other and ended up having a really great time. One night turned into a beer pong/music/pj party which was suuuper fun. How can you go wrong with PJs?!

After Lugano, Mel and I took a train to Venice. I was really excited about this trip because I had never been to Italy and hadn’t really heard anything bad about it. We booked a little B&B for relatively cheap. Finding this little B&B however, not so great. It took us about an hour walking around Venice’s tiny alleys with our HUGE/HEAVY backpacks. When we found it, we realized that it was in a great location. So, we put our stuff down, bought a map, and peaced. We were ready to explore. Venice was pretty much everything they say it is. No cars, only canals, boats and tons of people walking around. One of the most amusing things was that the gondola men were actually dressed up like they are in stories. Striped shirts, hats with red ribbon, black pants, black shoes… pretty much the stereotypical gondola man. I didn’t get to hear one sing (30 euros per person was just not on our budget), but I’m SURE that they all had wonderful voices for those romantic little boat rides. Anyways, that first afternoon was full of wandering, we saw St. Mark’s Square and the Rialto bridge, and walked along the water just observing. It was a beautiful afternoon. Dinner was a HUGE fail. We got sucked into a touristy restaurant and paid a ridiculous amount for shit food. We were pissed, but knew we weren’t going to make that mistake again.

The next day, aka Saturday, we had all day to do whatever we wanted to do. So, we bought a day pass for the water buses and took them all around Venice. We went by the gigantic cemetery (that is its own island). And, let me tell you, I’m not sure what it is, but Italians know how to do cemeteries. Ya, ya, fresh flowers are nice. BUT if you want your cemetery to always look like this…..

...use silk ones.

Oh and this is Venice...

We got off the water buses again at Murano, where they are known for their glass and basically spent the rest of the afternoon wandering through the shops looking for that perfect gift. Sorry mom, as you already know I was not successful in finding you the perfect piece (i promise there is something though, no worries), however… I did find myself a new pair of little earrings which I LOVE. They really do know how to do glass in Murano. GO THERE if you’re ever in Venice.

Oh I can’t forget, we obviously ate our fair share of gelato. How can you pass that up in Italia?!

So we got back from Venice on Sunday after a 7 hour train ride with only 2 weeks left of class. Obviously, Earl decided that everything was going to be due at the same time, and it ended up being two weeks from hell (more on that in the next post). However, I managed to take some breaks… haha. The next Saturday, two of my friends and I went up to Verbier ski resort in the Alps. IT WAS AMAZING!!!! See for yourself…

We had a blast. The weather held out for us in the morning, which was great since none of us had goggles…haha. It turned kinda ugly in the afternoon, but definitely still skiable. As you can see, at the end of the day, we still had smiles on our faces. WE GOT TO SKI IN THE ALPS. Cool? Ya, I think so.

Ok, that's it for now. I'll be updating this week again. À plus tard.